Kara Goucher’s Running for Women

June 24, 2012

Last Christmas the one item that I HAD to have was Kara Goucher’s book, Running for Women.  In case your living under a rock or aren’t a running fan, Kara Goucher is a World Championship bronze mentalist for the 10K and a top U.S. marathoner.

I started running in August and wanted a go-to book for not only new runners, but something I could reference throughout my half marathon training and many more races to come!  This book did NOT disappoint!

I read the majority of the book  right away, but put it down while I was moving.  I brought it back out after I registered for my first half!  If you’re a new runner or experienced, I think you’ll get a lot out of reading Kara’s book. I finished this book on Saturday when I was relaxing by the pool.


This book is organized in 10 chapters.  Each chapter begins with a little bit about Kara’s life and experience on the topic and then goes into her tips on the subject.  Her tips are bolded and organized in small paragraphs, so it’s an easy read!  “Dear Kara” is another feature in the book in which Kara answers questions sent in from fans.  I really liked reading these, because I had a lot of the same questions!

Subject matter

I found each chapter to be very insightful and useful (minus the pregnancy one, obviously).  I don’t want to give away all of her tips, because I really want you all to go and read it yourselves, but here are my favorite tips from each chapter.

  1. Getting Started:  Make running a priority and you’ll find the time.
  2. Training:  Think rest day rather than running day.  Instead of saying, “I’m doing to run three days this week,” say, “I’m going to give myself at least three rest days this week.”  The ol’ reverse psychology — it works.
  3. Social Running:  Join a running club, but quit if it doesn’t work out
  4. Staying Injury-free:  The best way to protect your knees is to do exercises to strengthen your quads.
  5. Balancing Running and Life:  Create a routine that works for you.
  6. Food, Nutrition and Weight Control: Kara’s chart of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory foods chart.  A really good reference.
  7. Racing:  Focus on yourself during a race, not so much others around you.
  8. Running a Marathon: Go real easy for the first few miles.
  9. Pregnancy and New Motherhood (skipped this chapter)
  10. Running for Life: Stretch to maintain your stride.

I love Kara Goucher’s Running for Women, because it will always be a reference throughout my running career!  The book is easy to read and is a perfect book for the beach.  If you’re thinking about purchasing this book, I’d say go for it.  Some of the tips can come across as “no-duh”, but it touches on things you may overlook when training for any distance of race.

You can purchase the book here from Amazon for $6.98 used, $9.22 new, or $13.99 for the Kindle version.  Get your copy today!

Comments ▼

I am a very beginning runner who needed so inspiration and motivation. I was in the library on Friday and was looking for a book on writing when I happened to see Kara’s book on the shelf! As I said, I am a beginner and didn’t have a clue who Kara was. I liked what I saw and checked out the book. I have spent all weekend reading it and loved it! I really want to run a half marathon someday but didn’t believe I could! Thanks to Kara, now I do!!! Good luck in London, Kara! I will be cheering you on here in Maryland!!!!!!

Amanda! That’s great. I’m a new runner as well. Started in August. I signed up for my first half and am terrified!

I really want to run the Disney Princess Half in Disney World! As I am overweight and have never been an athlete I have a loooooong road ahead of me. But I’m looking forward to it! Good Luck in you first half! I’m sure you will be great! Like Kara says, run with authority! You’ve got this!!!

I really want to read that book – she is such an inspiration for many young female runners in my opinion 🙂

I completely agree! it’s a really good book. I’d purchase it!

Isn’t it great!? It’s perfect for runners of all experience levels. It will be a great reference for many years to come.

Thanks for the review! I might have to pick this one up!

You should! Its such an easy read!