I’m sore.  Day 2 was back & biceps, and combined with the soreness from Day 1 (chest & triceps)… I can barely lift my arms.  It’s a good kind of sore though.  I feel like I’m on the way to becoming stronger and healthier.

I started the standing bicep curl with 20lb.  which ended up being way too heavy to start out.  After the first set, I opted to decrease the weight to 10lb.  The lower weight let me focus more on form and less on weight.

Overall, let’s just say that I am very happy that today (day3) is a leg day!  My upper body is burning.

Short post today, because I am running behind schedule this morning.  If you are doing the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer, please comment below and let me know how you’re doing, what day you’re on, and your fitness goals!

My goals to come.

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