i hope you dance.

March 16, 2009

Hey all. There it is, my duet! Finally over with. Thank gosh.

Not so happy Monday. I have a test today, which I barely studied for. I procrastinated big time on this one. I always end up studying a lot for the first chapter, but nothing for the second chapter. So I know I will at least do good on the first part of the test. Tomorrow I have a Child Development test, so after classes today I will be studying for that one. This semester is definitely not a breeze, that’s for sure.

Plans for today:
test in bio psych of motivation
dance history
geology lab
dance showing
homework homework homework

Eh, not the best way to start of my week, for sure.

I don’t really have much to say in this post, unfortunately. I have been hella stress all weekend and pretty much all month. I apologize. I hope everyone has a great start to their week. Take care, and I will talk to you all tomorrow, with an amazing post, I promise.

Comments ▼

that was wonderful! i wish i wouldve continued dancing! 🙁 have a good week girlie!

Apples, Auburn, and Ashley

Beautiful duet! I miss dancing so so much!

hey girl! Sorry you have been so stressed, I hope the work load gets a little easier. Good luck with the tests, you will do great!