Rough days

August 11, 2011

Today is going to be a rough day.  This I know for sure.  A day that will consist of laying in bed, watching lots of TV, and taking the occasional nap.  These days come and go, but why not make the best of them.  So, I thought to myself… what food items help me through rough days?

Maybe not the most normal when you combine the three, but eaten separately, these things are great!  So, what are some things that you like to have when you have a rough day?

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Thanks Jenn for reading!! We need to chat soon! Do you have aim?

Today I just had bad "girl problems". I took a long nap which helped a bit, and watched some of Black Swan too!

ohhh myy that sounds delish! I hope your day went better 🙂 xo

oh no 🙁 why such a rough day?